Support the JHU Museums During ONEHopkins on March 13
ONEHopkins is JHU's annual institution-wide day of giving and a critical opportunity to support student experiences, collections care, historic preservation, exhibitions, and public programming at Homewood Museum and Evergreen Museum & Library. Gifts of $35 or more will be recognized with a limited-edition Hopkins windbreaker.
All Day

Evergreen as Muse 2022

Evergreen Museum & Library 4545 N. Charles Street, Baltimore

Exhibition showcasing photographs by 10 Johns Hopkins University undergraduate students who were inspired by the history of Evergreen

Free with regular admission

Sketching at Evergreen: First Floor Hall

Evergreen Museum & Library 4545 N. Charles Street, Baltimore

Evergreen Museum & Library is now offering 90-minute sketching sessions, this one focusing on the main hallway.
